love them wild.
hello. my name is kindahl.
Mama to four beautifully wild babes that bring me great joy and an abundant need for grace. Our homeschooling journey has been such a refining process, receiving and extending the mercy freely shown to me. My sweet and adventurous husband of over a decade leads our family so well with a humble kindness. We reside in beautiful East Tennessee where you can find us playing in the streams and exploring new mountain trails. I find our journey here to be simple yet purposeful, always looking forward to our forever home.

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Lake Lure
I love lakes, no sharks and no alligators unless you're in Florida. One of our favorite lakes is Lake Lure! It's in North Carolina in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, so a pretty short drive for us in Tennessee. It sits in the Hickory Nut Gorge and you can see the...
read moreHow I do beauty- Part 1
Who knows how many parts there will actually be to this, but I wanted to at least set myself up with confidence. If you're new around here, then you should you know that i'm pretty minimalist when it comes to my beauty and make-up routine. But, I have found a few...
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Max Patch
I've lived in East Tennessee for over 30 years, let's not be too exact ok? And only in the last several years have I heard about Max Patch. I have no idea why, it is the most beautiful field in all the land. Ok probably not but the views are amazing and it's such a...
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Letter to my son
Dear first born son, You turned 9 just a few short weeks ago. You are my first born child on this side of the world. A born leader, sure. A know it all, definitely. Most organized child, always. Empathetic heart, without a doubt. There is some truth to birth order, I...
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Faster way to fat loss
I know what you're thinking, there is no fast way to fat loss!? But there is a method I've recently found that works 100% if you put in the effort. The faster way to fat loss program uses intermittent fasting, counting macros and effective workouts that work with your...
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365 Project
Oh my goodness, i'm loving this project so far. A photo a day for a year just in case you didn't know what it was already. I love how each photo tells a story versus just a typical "hey look at me and smile photo". These photos really show who we are, well who my kids...
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Life Lately
This past year was kind of a life experiment for me. Could I successfully run a photography business, home-school my kids, be the wife and mother God has called me to be, be a friend and you know have time to take a bath every once in awhile. Well experimenting with...
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My mama oil bag
So this is what i'd call my mama bag, you know the bag you carry with you everywhere you go. I have two kids that seem to be always getting hurt, so there are definitely some necessities we need at all times. One child is just wild and the other is extremely accident...
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Oatmeal Bath Bombs
These little guys are super tricky, I tried a couple recipes before finding this one. It all has to do with the consistency of your mixture. You want it to feel like wet sand that is mostly dry, that makes sense right!? It should form a ball, but still fall apart at...
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