This past year was kind of a life experiment for me. Could I successfully run a photography business, home-school my kids, be the wife and mother God has called me to be, be a friend and you know have time to take a bath every once in awhile. Well experimenting with life and your kids is probably not the best idea and i’ll tell you I was very unsuccessful. It’s just not possible to actually do it all. Something will always fall behind, get neglected and for me it was what mattered most. For a long time Satan has been whispering a lie in my ear that I need to be more and that I need to do more if I’m ever going to be anything. I’ve wasted years trying to figure out how to be successful as a business owner and I was finally getting the hang of it, but at the expense of my family.

So, after a lot of prayer and talking to my husband I closed down my photography business in December. It’s really hard to lay down the things you love, but it’s even harder to try and do them when it’s not what God wants for you. I’m hoping it will be there in my future again, but i’m not making any plans. Right now my days are so full I don’t know how I ever did it before. I’m finding joy and happiness in being a mother, the one thing that’s most important right now. Motherhood is enough for anyone and it’s definitely enough for me. And let’s be honest, the word in itself has pages and pages of tasks that go along with it. I’ve said this before, but I definitely feel called to be a stay at home mom and that’s exactly what I plan on doing until HE tells me otherwise. I’m also pushing those lies Satan tells me aside and filling my mind with the truth Jesus declares. Thanks to him I am enough and there’s not one thing I could do to make him love me any more.

And in case you didn’t already know, we are expecting our third baby next month. We are so excited and I can’t believe it’s right around the corner! I’ve definitely been in the nesting mode trying to re-organize our home to make room for baby life again. As always God is good and shows his grace to my family. We are so ready for this new season of life, I’m hoping to find it slower but obviously more hectic than before in some ways. I plan on being present much more and spending my time loving on these little people and of course my husband. You’ll see me wearing that mom hat proudly. By the way I know there are women who are called to be teachers, doctors, nurses etc and are also mothers. Jesus equips us all with different talents and gifts, just know we’re all in this together.

If you’re wondering what I’m doing with all my new free time, then you must not have a home, a spouse, a pet, a job, a hobby or kids because you all know there is no free time. But I have been spending a lot of time playing with essential oil recipes and baking every possible sweet treat that exists. If you’re friends with me or have been following my Instagram @themeeklife or this new blog, you know i’m an essential oil lover. As with most people, I bought them because I wanted natural and safe options to use for my family. And you know what happened, I couldn’t stop talking about them because I loved them so much. I love that Young Living makes it possible to just buy oils to use for yourself and family or to make a business out of it if you choose to. Now that I have more time, i’ve been really learning and researching more of the benefits they can offer. One of the reasons I started this blog was so I could share everything I learn with you all. I have some blog posts ideas written down that i’ll hopefully be sharing soon.

I’m super blessed to be friends with the photographer behind Growing Love Portraits. I’m going to totally overshare from our maternity/family session a couple weeks ago. I just adore all the photos and I can’t wait to hang them up on our walls! And another big thank you to Geo Hair Lab, because we all know I can’t style my hair like this. Here’s to a new season of life and a new realization that I can’t do it all and that isn’t even the way we were designed! Here’s to relying on God and to not trying to be a super woman that i’m not.
